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Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 893, Issue 2, Pages 215-432 (6 October 2000)
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Characterization of reversed-phase columns using the linear free energy relationship: III. Effect of the organic modifier and the mobile phase composition ARTICLE
Pages 215-234
Ákos Sándi, Mária Nagy and László Szepesy
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Measurement of ligand distribution in individual adsorbent particles using confocal scanning laser microscopy and confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy MISCELLANEOUS
Pages 235-244
Anders Ljunglöf, Mina Larsson, Karl-Gustav Knuuttila and Jan Lindgren
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Dependence of cyano bonded phase hydrolytic stability on ligand structure and solution pH ARTICLE
Pages 245-251
John E. O’Gara, Bonnie A. Alden, Christina A. Gendreau, Pamela C. Iraneta and Thomas H. Walter
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High-performance liquid chromatography–diode array detection of trichloroethene and aromatic and aliphatic anionic surfactants used for surfactant-enhanced aquifer remediation ARTICLE
Pages 253-260
Jennifer A. Field and Thomas E. Sawyer
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High-performance liquid chromatographic resolution of reverse isomers of 1,2-diacyl-rac-glycerols as 3,5-dinitrophenylurethanes ARTICLE
Pages 261-279
Yutaka Itabashi, John J. Myher and Arnis Kuksis
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Liquid chromatographic fractionation of small peptides from wine ARTICLE
Pages 281-291
C. Desportes, M. Charpentier, B. Duteurtre, A. Maujean and F. Duchiron
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Protein mapping by two-dimensional high performance liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 293-305
K. Wagner, K. Racaityte, K. K. Unger, T. Miliotis, L. E. Edholm, R. Bischoff and G. Marko-Varga
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Enantioseparation of 1-phenyl-1-propanol by simulated moving bed under linear and nonlinear conditions ARTICLE
Pages 307-319
Saad Khattabi, Djamel E. Cherrak, Kathleen Mihlbachler and Georges Guiochon
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Use of a three-factor interpretive optimisation strategy in the development of an isocratic chromatographic procedure for the screening of diuretics in urine samples using micellar mobile phases ARTICLE
Pages 321-337
S. Carda-Broch, J. R. Torres-Lapasió, J. S. Esteve-Romero and M. C. García-Alvarez-Coque
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Calculation of Abraham solute descriptors from McReynolds gas chromatographic retention data ARTICLE
Pages 339-346
B. K. Callihan and D. S. Ballantine
Abstract | PDF (58 K)
Solid-phase microextraction for the determination of systemic and non-volatile pesticides in river water using gas chromatography with nitrogen–phosphorous and electron-capture detection ARTICLE
Pages 347-358
M. C. Sampedro, O. Martín, C. López de Armentia, M. A. Goicolea, E. Rodríguez, Z. Gómez de Balugera, J. Costa-Moreira and R. J. Barrio
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Investigation of the nematic–isotropic transition of a liquid crystalline polymer and determination of molecular diffusion coefficients using gas chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 359-366
F. Gritti, G. Félix, M. -F. Achard and F. Hardouin
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Evaluation of purge-and-trap–high-resolution gas chromatography–mass spectrometry for the determination of 27 volatile organic compounds in marine water at the ng l−1 concentration level ARTICLE
Pages 367-382
Tom Huybrechts, Jo Dewulf, Olivier Moerman and Herman Van Langenhove
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Evaluation of a new automated cleanup system for the analysis of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in environmental samples ARTICLE
Pages 383-391
E. Abad, J. Sauló, J. Caixach and J. Rivera
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Methanol chemical ionization quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry of O-ethyl S-[2-(diisopropylamino)ethyl] methylphosphonothiolate (VX) and its degradation products ARTICLE
Pages 393-400
Dennis K. Rohrbaugh
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Influence of temperature on the behaviour of small linear peptides in capillary electrochromatography ARTICLE
Pages 401-409
Karin Walhagen, Klaus K. Unger and Milton T. W. Hearn
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Development and validation of a capillary zone electrophoretic method for the determination of bisphosphonate and phosphonate impurities in clodronate ARTICLE
Pages 411-420
Katri Huikko and Risto Kostiainen
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Pages 421-423
PDF (36 K)
Pages 425-432
PDF (53 K)

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